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MVP SOS volunteers are working with the New Milford school administration, social workers and guidance counselors, Social Services, PTO and local civic groups to make our mission known and to encourage parents to apply for funding. A parent submits a one page application stating the program a child would like to participate in, the costs involved, and verification of the family’s financial need. All information is kept strictly confidential. MVP SOS board members review and vote on each application, we will consider any extracurricular activity that a child is interested in. If funding is approved, registration costs are sent directly to the program organization. Some of these local organizations have been very supportive of the MVP SOS mission, and cover 50% of the registration fees of our recipients. Currently our 50/50 partners include New Milford sports organizations, dance and art businesses.


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In the current economy, many New Milford parents are forced to reduce their spending and New Milford Schools are limited to very few extracurricular activities that can be offered at no cost to parents. Registration fees for a child’s extracurricular activities can be difficult for many to afford in this current economy. MVP SOS has seen a direct increase in the number of applications being submitted. Some applicants need assistance to provide their child with the continuity of participating in local teams or in a program. In other cases parents who previously thought participation was beyond their reach due to the cost, are seeking funds so that their child will have an opportunity to participate in a program. MVP SOS has made an impact by relieving a part of the financial stress on New Milford parents.


Our impact in numbers is a statement that the community can be proud of. Since 2004, we have raised over $400,000, funded 80+ organizations and financially assisted more than 2,000 kids, grades K-12. These children were given the opportunity to play soccer, attend weekly art classes, be part of a baseball team, take piano lessons, travel with a band trip, join a gymnastics class. MVP SOS provided funding to organizations to pay the registration fees for kids, who otherwise would not have been able to afford to play and participate.


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MVP SOS needs your help to continue making this type of impact. For the first time in the history of MVP SOS, we are currently funding more money for children’s programs than we are bringing in from donations. Although we are pleased to accomplish our mission to help as many children as possible, we also need your help to continue.


As an individual or a business, please consider attending our Annual MVP SOS Cocktail Party Fundraiser on November 6th. Typically 80% of our ticket sales go directly to our funding budget. To make a donation please contact MVP SOS to see how your generosity will help the community and your business. MVP SOS returns back to the community on average .95 cents of every dollar donated. MVP SOS needs your collective help and donations for New Milford to be recognized as a town where all children are welcome to participate, regardless of income. MVP SOS is a 501(c)3 Non-profit Organization. All donations are deductible.

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In the fall of 2004, MVP-SOS provided a fundraising dinner at Canterbury School. This special event attended by 250 local citizens raised over $24,000 dollars for our children. This money was turned over to the Mark Gillen Fund and was used to erect an electronic sign displaying the calendar for high school events in front of New Milford High School.


In the fall of 2005, a second dinner was held at Arion Singing Society where $30,000 was raised for our children. These funds were used to restore three New Milford athletic programs - the gymnastics, golf, and boys swimming teams.


Again in 2006 and 2007 MVP-SOS was able to assist many organizations and kids due to the successful dinner/silent auction. Among those benefiting from MVP-SOS were: The Youth Leadership Program of the Housatonic/Shepaug United Way, New Milford High School Marching Band, New Milford High School Art Department, New Milford High School Academic Bowl Team, New Milford High School Ice Hockey and Lacrosse Teams and the New Milford High School Grad Party. Additionally, a substantial donation has been made to help procure spring sports for the recently restored middle school sports programs as well as help fund the eighth grade learning adventure and the seventh grade Boston adventure.

©2024 MVPSOS Foundation, Inc.  •  MVPSOS, PO Box 1146, New Milford, CT 06776

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